Sunday, February 27, 2011

Now the Story Can Be Told

No, there was no embargo on my story...It's an organic time, and not enough sleep conspired to keep me from my keyboard.

The story has a happy ending though!

Blistering cold temps arrived with the cold front...already cold, temps haven't been above freezing on My Mountain in 13 days. The cold front dropped the mercury into the teens and twenties...that's the High Temperature for the day!

High winds and copious snowfall made for interesting grooming say the least! My crew handled it with aplomb...I'm very happy with how these guys are jelling into a solid team.

So we persevered, but Mother Nature prevailed...she closed our lifts, one by one, and closed Interstate-80 with her gale force winds and heavy snowfall combining to make white-out conditions.

Jeweler offered his futon, and I wisely accepted. Talk about hospitality, when we finally got to Jeweler's place, his room mate Trevor had a beautiful plate of hors d'oeuvres on the kitchen table, and plenty of good conversation.

Trevor made pork chops and mashed potatoes for dinner, but I slept through the seating...I enjoyed the pork chop in my lunchbox that night...Trevor can flat out cook!

Friday night, the storm was all but over at midnight. No snow, no flurries after 0100, and decent seeing made for a triumphantly enjoyable night! We got plenty of corduroy made, did the digging, and were still out of there by 11AM!

I made my way home to find the driveway buried under three feet of snow with a evening away had allowed the ski-lease across the street to get their driveway cleared, so I poached the spot to park the pickup in, and waded into my garage and fired up the Honda snowblower.

The snow was deeper than the Honda's box was tall, still ol' reliable did it's usual yeoman's job dispatching the hour and 45 minutes, and the driveway was buffed wall to wall and the pickup was in the garage...I'm Saved!

Shoveling my way into the DaveCave, I didn't dilly-dally...straight into a hot shower! I made a pastrami and cream cheese omelet, a screwdriver cocktail, and wasn't even 2PM!

10 seconds later, my alarm went off...10PM...uggh...up and at 'em, Saturday night looked much better!

All hands on deck! We did it guys kicked it, and we were off the hill early. I blew home at 65MPH and hit the hay...just a nap...I had an unavoidable meeting at 2:30PM...on my first day off in six days...I'm OK with it...the grooming crew Ruled the Universe...again!

Come on up! The skiing is incredible, and I am Outta Here!

1 comment:

  1. I had a pork steak the other night. My first meat since December 24 2010. I smothered it in homemade chipotle and chopped garlic. Oh yeah. Killer.

    Tomorrow I go back to being a body-Nazi. Psyllium husks and H2O.

    No skiing for me, thank you. I would rather snow shoe, snow camp, and snow hunt. Skiing is far to dangerous. I leave that to the kids.
