Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Got Nothin'

Another sunset enjoyed from the horizontal...I'm still grinding out some remove and replace carpentry at the SturgUrge Compound in advance of the looming cold front. Perhaps my fatigue is the cause of my contentedness. There's no bee in my bonnet, no fire in my belly, everything is A-OK (if you don't factor in all the troubles NASA has been having getting the Space Shuttle Discovery into orbit this week)

There were lovely high clouds for the setting sun to paint SF Giants' Orange tonight, and once enjoyed, I fired up the internet to check on the latest AFD's, remote sensor data, and to do  a little tele-presence viewing with the High Sierra webcams.

Things looked altogether too nice up there...too warm up there...and the forecasts keep getting less and less optimistic for snow in decent amounts.

Boreal has done yeoman's work getting their mountain open with such tiny windows of snowmaking temps, and the Boreal Groomers have been rock stars keeping the trails together in the warm days and nights since they opened.

Looking at this afternoon's webcam image told me they were in more than a bit of trouble today. Boreal hasn't had any significant snowmaking time since they opened on Friday October 29th for their Traditional Halloween Opening.

After I watched the 5 O'Clock News and weather, a tweet from @borealmtn announced they'd be pulling the plug until Tuesday morning November 9th. You've gotta hand it to the whole Boreal Crew, they worked miracles given the little support they got from Mother Nature! As my friend BajaBabe says: "Mother Nature bats last"

No kidding! Since Boreal opened, there's barely been any time where the overnight thermometer even got into the 30's (and I'm talkin' 39°F, not 30°F!) Afternoon temps flirted with the 70's most of the week, too.

Give Boreal's Snowmakers and Groomers a big hand folks...they've earned it in spades!

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