Sunday, August 15, 2010

Easy Ways

I always liked the phrase "Easy Ways". When I was twenty-something, some friends had a rock n' roll band named "Easy Ways" I rediscovered the phrase this week when I was thinking about Fingers' Mom's remembrance.

I took the concept to heart, I lived it. Oh, I was up early and listened to America's Digital Goddess over the internet. I made some photos of the Ancestral Diggins, edited some video, and put off the provisioning 'till Monday.

I did this to clear the day so I could watch the SF Giants vs San Diego Padres baseball game without interruption. What a grand afternoon out at the ballpark! Good pitching, good small ball, and timely hitting allowed the Giants to win 3-2 in the 11th inning. Very satisfying.

Not so satisfying was trying to synch the HDTV broadcast of the game with the radio play by play. TV was a good two pitches behind the radio broadcast. I don't have a satisfactory (read thrifty) DVR for HDTV yet. I'm thinking a Digital Delay Box for the radio...great another gadget... *rolls eyes*

I spent a few hours online reading the pundits and some blogs...politics is my go-to bloodsport. Going down the home stretch towards the November 2nd elections, the action is already heating up. The sleeping giant is wide awake now, and can't wait to get into the voting booth.

I decided to give those bees in my bonnet an outlet, so I opened a Twitter account where I can go politically steampunk...there, there old fella...settle down...everything's gonna be alright...

I spent a couple more hours looking for photos of corduroy...pretty slim pickins corduroy-wise.

I'll make a point of taking lots and lots of corduroy photos this season.

You know...Easy Ways...reminds me of "Easiest Way Down"...sorta...

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