Thursday, October 4, 2012


Winter is coming. It's already littering my Facebook News Feed. The first wave hit Monday evening when posted some Winter forecasts and his take on Season 2012-2013

Wednesday morning a Facebook friend reports that it's snowing in Boseman, Montana this morning and the overnight low is forecast to be 18°F!

I vaguely remember a tweet about snow in the Colorado Rockies sometime in the last week as well...


  1. It's cold here, down to 20 degrees in some areas of Eastern Oregon, but, it's also sunny and bright without a trace of precip. Stubborn ass high!

    Let it do something in the way of rain/snow, we need the water. So does Eastern WA. Man oh Man, that fire they have (had, ?) going up there had over 4000 personnel on it. Some doings.

    But then again, it's the way of it all. Ponderosa Pines didn't get thick bark without it. And so on.

    It's just now, there are sooooo many people and soooooo many human manipulations over the past 200 or more years it gets a lil more complicated.

    Time for the beach.

  2. Minnesota got a few inches Thursday night too.

  3. Well it snowed 6-8 inches in Minnesota...just when I thought I would take the train to visit my Parents grave site. The "ancestral digs" per se.

    Bless you one and all for making me what I am today.
