Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lazy Dazy

I'm being a slug today...I'm feeling just a little weary...I went to bed early Friday night, too. Between the Tour de France and Formula One's European Swing, I've messed with my BodyClock a little too much for the last month or so.

In the Winter, there's plenty of thrills and adrenaline to be had that help make up for shaving hours off of one's sleep schedule. In the Dog Days, stayin' up late and gettin' up early are rewarded with hot afternoons that offer only sweaty naps as relief.

The other afternoon I was driving my Mom to an appointment in the next town over. We got behind the local fire truck for a couple of miles on the two lane road.

We came up on some CableTV contractors doing some trunk cable work. The had two snorkel trucks blocking the eastbound lane, and a worker at each end of their show to give traffic the stop-palm and the wave-around...we idled four a couple of minutes before it was westbound's turn to go...I inhaled deep when I caught the wafting diesel fumes of the firemen's rig.

I was surprised that a wave of longing and nostalgia came over me! The smell of diesel exhaust is very comforting to me...and it's becoming more rare even in winter thanks to modern computer controlled diesel engines. Even at idle the new Cats run pretty clean. I liken the smell to the smell of jets at the airport...

While I'm lazing about I have one eye on the TV...the NHRA drag racers are up at Sonoma County's Sears Point Raceway. ESPN2 is showing eliminations for Sunday's races. They're going fast today, and the weather has cooled a little...the better to make horsepower with...

I have my other eye on my laptop...I'm keeping an eye on Twitter and Tumblr for SF Giants' trade news and rumors. MLB's trade deadline is 4PM Sunday afternoon, and "Rumor Control" is running off the rails as the deadline approaches...the Giants still need a catcher who is good with the bat until Buster Posey comes back from his injuries next season.

Twitter really has stepped up it's game this year...some tweeter who's name escapes me tweeted that "Twitter has democratized the delivery of The News" Sportswriters on twitter are especially chatty I've found...with a high percentage of amateur comedians...democratic schmemocratic...snickers are snickers...snort...snort...snark...snark...

I may not know comedy, but I know when comedy sprains it's ankle!

That's's time for the Giants Warm-Up on the radio...stay tuned, as they say...

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